Our Preschool program is for children who have turned three years old by September and turn four throughout the school year. The child:teacher ratio is 6:1. Students must be potty trained.
Our Preschool day begins with free play and center activities, including the use of manipulatives, creative and language arts, dramatic play, blocks, the writing table, and activities to strengthen fine motor skills. We use “Land of the Letter People” and “Learning Without Tears” to help us learn our phonics. After we clean up, we have our first circle time where the activities include calendar and weather concepts, letter and number recognition, name recognition, music and movement, and show-and-tell. Next, we will have our morning snack followed by playground time, story-time, and our daily art projects. We end the morning with a second circle time which includes music, flannel stories, puppetry, and finger plays.